King Lear

Exposition: The play opens up with a conversation between the characters Kent and Gloucester and they speak of how King Lear is going to soon divide his kingdom between his three daughters. Gloucester introduces his illegitimate son Edmund. Lear appears at his throne and shares his plans for dividing his kingdom with his three daughters, Cordelia, Goneril, and Regan. Lear announces that the daughter who shows that they love him the most will inherit the greatest share of land. While Cordelia is Lear's favorite daughter, she explains that she could not possibly express, in words, how much she loves her father, and Lear becomes irate. However, the other two daughters suck up to him and win over Cordelia's share of land that gets split between the two of them. Meanwhile, the King of France marries Cordelia even though she inherits no land from her father, and Cordelia flees the kingdom. Left behind, the other two sisters plot on how they will withdraw all of their father's power to obtain full control.

Rising Action: The play comes back to Gloucester and his sons Edmund and Edgar. Edmund becomes angry at the way everyone seems to criticize his not being Gloucester's "real" son and takes his anger out on Edgar, who is Gloucester's legitimate son. Edmund makes it appear as if Edgar is plotting to kill his father in order to gain authority and inherit Gloucester's land, which is all lies. Furthermore, Lear visits his daughter Goneril in her castle, but she purposely makes him feel unwelcome. Kent and The Fool attempt to warn Lear of his foolish mistake of letting his scheming two daughters take control, and Lear feels ashamed. Nevertheless, Lear goes to stay with his other daughter Regan who he believes will be nicer to him. Indeed, Regan proves to be just as malicious as the Goneril when she treats Kent badly by putting him in the stocks. When Lear tries to speak with Regan about Goneril's cruelty, Regan tells him he is getting weak and old basically that he probably deserved it. Tension elevates when Goneril arrives and both of the daughters refuse to allow Lear to stay with them, and they make Lear wait outside in a storm.


Climax: King Lear meets Edgar who is at this time disguised as a mad poor man. At this point King Lear is showing signs of insanity. Later on Gloucester is taken by Cornwall and Regan and they tear both of his eyes out. Later Edgar sees his father and he guides him to Dover, there Gloucester plans to commit suicide, however Edgar fools him and makes him realize that death is not the solution. One of Regan's servants finds Gloucester and tries to kill him but Edgar intersects and kills him. Edgar finds a letter written by Goneril confirming the fact that she cheated on her husband. Cordelia and King Lear reunite. Eventually they get captuered. Edgar gives the letter to Albany and he then tries to arrest Edmund and denounces Goneril. Next Edgar and Edmund fight and Edmund falls, after Edgar reveals himself.

Falling Action: Edgar answers all of Albany's questions and tells him that Gloucester died of joy when he found out that the person helping him all along was his son. Regan died due to poisin that Goneril gave her. Edmund confesses that he ordered for Cordelia to be killed ina way that seemed as if she did it. 


Resolution: King Lear enters the scene with Cordelia's dead body in his arms. Lear finds out that Kent was in disguise with the name of Caius. Lear, in his full insanity, is hoping that Cordelia will revive. Finally King Lear dies.           



The  prominent theme showcased in the Play King Lear was of the power of love and forgiveness. As well as the seeking of redemption.


In King Lear Shakespeare used diction to the unique purpose of truly capturing the gaining King's growing insanity. The reader can tell when King Lear is going into his bouts of "The crazies" by the sudden simplicity of his sentence structure and the anger with which the sentences are delivered.


King Lear vs. his daughters Goneril and Regan who are trying to take over his throne, King Lear vs. himself (as in his insanity), Gloucester vs. Edmund vs. Edgar (Edgar told Gloucester that Edmund wanted him dead and instigated a fight between the two).


Dark, Serious and Tragic


When King Lear slips into his bouts of displaying Mental illness his word choice suddenly becomes curt and powerful, and with an ominous aura about it.
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Julius Caesar

Exposition:   Flavius and Murellus, two tribunes, find scores of Roman citizens wandering the streets, watching Julius Caesar's triumphal parade Caesar has defeated the Roman general Pompey in battle. The tribunes scold the citizens for abandoning their duties and remove decorations from Caesar’s statues. Caesar enters with Brutus, Cassius, and Antony. A Soothsayer calls out to Caesar to “beware the Ides of March,” but Caesar ignores him and proceeds with his victory celebration.

Rising Action:  Cassius and Brutus, Caesar's long time friends, discuss how Brutus seems to be distant latley and how Brutus fears the public wants Julius to become king, which would overturn the republic. Cassius agrees that Caesar is treated like a god though he is merely a man, no better than them. Cassius speaks of incidents of Caesar’s physical weakness and marvels that this fallible man has become so powerful. Cassius blames Brutus for letting Caesar become so powerful.  Brutus considers Cassius’s words as Caesar returns.

Caesar departs, and another politician, Casca, tells Brutus and Cassius that, during the celebration, Antony offered the crown to Caesar three times and the people cheered, but Caesar refused it each time. He then told them Caesar threw himself on the ground having some sort of seizure showing weakness but the crowds devotion remained. Brutus goes home and considers Cassius's words while Cassius plots how to get Brutus to join his conspiracy against Caesar. Brutus finds letters in his house  written by Roman citizens worried that Caesar has become too powerful. The letters have been forged and planted by Cassius, who knows that if Brutus believes it is the people’s will, he will support a plot to remove Caesar from power.  Cassius arrives at Brutus’s home with his conspirators, the men agree to lure Caesar from his house and kill him. Cassius wants to kill Antony too, for Antony will surely try to hinder their plans, but Brutus disagrees they then depart.

Caesar prepares to go to the Senate. His wife, Calpurnia, begs him not to go, describing recent nightmares she has had in which a statue of Caesar streamed with blood and smiling men bathed their hands in the blood. Caesar refuses to yield, Calpurnia finally convinces him to stay home as a favor to her. But Decius, a conspirators, arrives and convinces Caesar that Calpurnia has misinterpreted her dreams. Caesar departs for the Senate in the company of the conspirators.
As Caesar proceeds through the streets toward the Senate, the Soothsayer again tries but fails to get his attention. Artemidorus, a citizen,  hands him a letter warning him about the conspirators, but Caesar refuses to read it, putting his  personal concerns death. When last. At the Senate, the conspirators speak to Caesar, bowing at his feet and encircling him. One by one, they stab him to  Caesar sees Brutus among his murderers, he gives up his struggle and dies.They then bathe their hands and swords in Caesar’s blood.  When Antony asks why they killed Caesar, Brutus replies that he will explain their purpose in a funeral oration. Antony asks to be allowed to speak over the body as well; Brutus grants his permission. The conspirators depart, and Antony, alone now, swears that Caesar’s death shall be avenged.
Brutus and Cassius go to the Forum to speak to the public. Brutus declares to the people that though he loved Caesar, he loves Rome more, and Caesar’s ambition posed a danger to Roman liberty.  Antony appears with Caesar’s body,  repeatedly referring to Brutus as “an honorable man,” Antony’s speech becomes sarcastic, questioning what Brutus said in his speech that Caesar acted only out of ambition, Antony points out that Caesar brought much wealth and glory to Rome, and three times turned down offers of the crown. Antony then produces Caesar’s will but announces that he will not read it becuase it would upset the people. The crowd  begs him to read the will.

Climax: Antony reads Caesar's will to the people which states that everyone would recieve a sum of money to and orders that his private gardens be made public outraged the citizens  turn against Cassius and Brutus running them out of the city.

Falling action:  Caesar’s adopted son , Octavius, arrives in Rome and forms a three-person coalition with Antony and Lepidus together they prepare to fight Cassius and Brutus. At the conspirators  camp, Brutus reveals that he is sick with grief, for in his absence Portia has killed herself. The two continue to prepare for battle with Antony and Octavius. That night, the Ghost of Caesar appears to Brutus, announcing that Brutus will meet him again on the battlefield. 

Octavius and Antony march their army toward Brutus and Cassius.  The opposing generals meet on the battlefield and exchange insults before beginning combat.  Cassius sees his own men fleeing and send one of his men, Pindarus, to check on how things are unraveling. Pindarus sees Titinius surrounded by cheering troops and concludes that he has been captured saddened to hear this Cassius orders Pindarus to kill him with his own sword. Titinius then returns, after his victory, only to find his best friend laying dead, mourning for him he kills himself.

Resolution: Brutus having heard of his friends demise prepares to take on the Romans when his army loses, doom appears imminent. Brutus asks one of his men to hold up his sword as he impales himself on it.  Antony speaks over Brutus’s body, calling him the noblest Roman of all. While the other conspirators acted out of envy and ambition, Brutus genuinely believed that he acted for the benefit of Rome. Octavius orders that Brutus be buried in the most honorable way.


The theme in Julius Caesar is the idea that commitment to ideals and the resolves thereof mean nothing without the ability to adapt. Another theme is that of choosing the greater good for ones-self, even though it may not be the popular opinion.


As the story progresses it becomes apparent that oratory skills play an immense role in public politics. Therefore the more important a character the more intense,  passionate worded a character becomes, the more powerful he shall be in the story. Basically, he more elaborate the speech, the more important the character.


Man vs. Society: Brutus wants to stop a dictatorship by Caesar before it has a chance to begin, to do this he must kill his best friend and go against the wishes of society, who actually want Caesar to become their king. In this way Brutus rebels against society. 


The tone of the story is very foreboding and grim.


Most of the character's words hold emotions that is barely contained or boiling beneeth the surface. I believe this empasizes the fact that politicians must hide their true feelings behind a mask to hold public opinion.

The Death of a Salesman

Exposition: Willy Loman returns to his Brooklyn home one night, exhausted from a failed sales trip. His wife, Linda, tries to persuade him to ask his boss, Howard Wagner, to let him work in New York so that he won't have to travel. Willy says that he will talk to Howard the next day. Willy complains that Biff, his older son who has come back home to visit, has not made anything of himself. His wife  scolds him  for being so judgemental, and he goes to the kitchen for a snack.

In the kitchen Willy talks to himself as Biff and Happy, Biff's younger brother, discuss their adolensent years and fantasize about buying a ranch out west. The nieghbor Charley and his son Bernard come into the picture Bernard is Biff's math tutor and Charley offers Willy a job but only gets him angry.

 Rising Action: At breakfast Linda informs Willy that Biff and Happy are taking him out to dinner that night. Excited, Willy announces that he is going to make Howard Wagner give him a New York job. Willy tries to broach the subject of working in New York, but Howard interrupts him. When Willy finally gets a word in, Howard rejects his plea and Willy gets angry. Howard soon re-enters and tells Willy to take some time off. Ben enters, inviting Willy to join him in Alaska while the younger Linda enters and reminds Willy of his sons and job. Willy asks Bernard why Biff turned out to be such a failure. Willy asks for more money from Charley, and Charley again offers Willy a job. Willy again refuses and eventually tells Charley that he was fired. Charley scolds Willy  and angrily gives him the money. Almost crying Willy calls Charley his only friend.                                                                 

 At Frank's Chop House, Happy helps Stanley, a waiter. Biff enters, Upset at his father's unrelenting misconception that he, Biff, was a salesman for Oliver, Biff plans to relieve Willy of his illusions. Willy enters, and Biff tries gently, at first, to tell him what happened at Oliver's office. Willy blurts out that he was fired. Stunned, Biff again tries to let Willy down easily. Biff finally explodes at Willy. The young Bernard tells Linda that Biff failed math. The restaurant conversation comes back into focus and Willy criticizes Biff for failing math. Biff scrambles to quiet Willy and claims that Oliver is talking to his partner about giving Biff the money. Willy's renewed interest and questions tick Biff off, and he screams at Willy. Willy hears The Woman laugh and he shouts back at Biff, hitting him and staggering.   

Climax: Willy and The Woman enter, dressing themselves and flirting. The door knocks and Willy hurries The Woman into the bathroom. Willy answers the door; the young Biff enters and tells Willy that he failed math. Willy tries to usher him out of the room, but Biff imitates his math teacher's lisp, which elicits laughter from Willy and The Woman. Willy tries to cover up his indiscretion, but Biff refuses to believe his stories and storms out, dejected, calling Willy a “phony little fake.” Back in the restaurant, Stanley helps Willy up. Willy asks him where he can find a seed store. Stanley gives him directions to one, and Willy hurries off.

Falling Action:  In the Loman kitchen, Happy enters looking for Willy. He goes  into the living room and sees Linda. Biff comes inside and Linda  yells at them for abandoning Willy. Happy attempts to appease her, but Biff goes in search of Willy. He finds Willy planting seeds in the garden with a flashlight. Willy is consulting Ben about a $20,000 proposition. Biff approaches him to say goodbye and tries to bring him inside. Willy moves into the house, followed by Biff, and becomes angry again about Biff's failure. Happy tries to calm Biff, but Biff and Willy erupt in fury at each other. Biff starts to sob, which touches Willy. Everyone goes to bed except Willy, who renews his conversation with Ben, elated at how great Biff will be with $20,000 of insurance money. Linda soon calls out for Willy but gets no response. Biff and Happy listen as well. They hear Willy's car speed away.

Resolution: Linda and Happy stand in shock after Willy's poorly attended funeral. Biff states that Willy had the wrong dreams. Charley defends Willy as a victim of his profession. About to leave, Biff invites Happy to go back out West with him. Happy declares that he will stick it out in New York to validate Willy's death. Linda asks Willy for forgiveness for being unable to cry.


The prevailing themes in Death of a Salesman are that of the pursuit of the American dream, and the effects that abandonment can have on  someone throughout their life.


Many of the sentences in Death of a Salesman are periodic sentences, or sentences in which the author Arthur Miller uses to get the reader to hang onto his every word.  He does this by starting a sentence, and then trailing off mid-sentence for a brief pause using ellipses, and then resuming that sentence by saying something important or saddening.


Willy's struggle between the materialistic values that society impresses upon him and his reality of simply being a salesman, Willy's struggle to communicate with his son Biff and to make him become successful, and Willy's internal struggle with accepting his limitations of simply being an ordinary man.


At times the play seems very sympathetic towards Willy's problems, but throughout the work it maintains a distinct feeling of hard honesty.


Miller uses simple but powerful words to convey his message to the audience and to give rise to the strong emotions that go along with such words like 'Loved' and 'Death'.

Lord of the Flies

Exposition: Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, begins by introducing the characters Jack and Piggy. These two young boys are only two of what must be at least twenty boys that are stranded on a deserted island. The twenty plus boys survived the strike down of their plane that was transporting them out of Britain while the country is in the middle of a raging war. Piggy and Jack get acquainted and discuss their stranded situation. Eventually, they find a conch on the beach and are aware of the brilliant noise that it makes when blown into. The two boys end up blowing into the conch and calling over the other boys that were exploring the tropical island. When all of the boys get together, they have a meeting and end up making one of the older boys, Ralph, their leader. Ralph then appoints Jack as the leader of the boys who want to be hunters.

Rising Action: Jack, Ralph, and Simon decide that they will be the ones to quickly explore and make sure that the land they are deserted on is, indeed, an island. When the three arrive back to the beach where the rest of the boys are, they state their plans for surviving on the island. Ralph decides that the smartest thing to do is to keep up a fire on the top of the mountain that will be visible to any ships that may pass so that they may be rescued. So, the boys go to the top of the mountain and create a fire with the reflection of Piggy's glasses. Eventually, the fire gets out of control and burns down much of the forest area. One boy is missing, and they all figure that he is dead. One day, they finally have hope when a boat is seen across the ocean. Disappointedly, Ralph the leader notices that the fire had died out and angrily complains at the hunters who were supposed to have been keeping it up. The boys claim they had been hunting and had finally caught a pig. Meanwhile, some of the kids claim to have seen a beast about on the island when really, their imaginations are just getting to them. One night, when all of the boys are asleep, a dead parachutist lands on the island. The following day, some of the boys see the figure and believe it to be the beast. They go back to the others and tell them that they were attacked. Jack, Ralph, and some of the other boys set out on an exposition to find and possibly kill the monster. What they come to find at the top of the mountain is the silhouette of the parachute which they mistake to be the beast.

Climax: Arriving at the beach, Jack accuses Ralph of being a coward; the two boys have an argument before Jack decides to leave to his own spot on the island and encourages anyone else who wants to hunt to join him. Eventually, many of the boys join Jack in his hunting business. Ralph and Piggy are alone on their side of the beach.

Falling Action: Jack organizes a hunt and when the sow is caught, a ritual is made of the dead pig. They stick the pigs head on a stick and Simon envisions the pig as The Lord of the Flies since it had flies buzzing all around it. Then, Simon imagines that the pig is talking and eventually faints. When Simon awakes, he takes a stroll up to the mountain and discovers the parachute and the man. Simon realizes that the only beast that is living on the island is the one that the boys have made up in their mind. He starts making his way back down the mountain to the others. Meanwhile, Piggy and Ralph have joined in on Jack's party and celebration of the pig and chaos is what has come of it all; for, when Simon appears, the boys mistake him as the beast and wildly attack and kill him. When the boys realize what they have done they are struck with horror.  In the morning, Ralph and Jack start fighting and Piggy gets killed when one of the hunters rolls a boulder on him. Ralph escapes and hides in the forest from the boys that are ordered by Jack to kill him. The hunters attempt to smoke Ralph out and finally, Ralph is forced out onto the beach where he collapses in exhaustion.

Resolution:  Surprisingly, when Ralph looks up a British naval officer is standing above him and inquires about their stranded state. Ralph breaks down crying and the other boys arrive to join in on the sobbing. The officer simply turns to let the boys pull themselves together.

Extra literary analysis facts:


The prevailing theme in Lord Of The Flies is that of anarchy and human nature, fighting against the civility of society and all of the rules that go with it.


Most of the sentences in Lord Of The Flies are simple in nature and structure. The children's dialogue was written very plainly in an easy to understand fashion.


The children, now bereft of adult laws and rules, struggle with their desires to form an organized and orderly society while attempting to suppress their urge for chaos and savagery.


Dark, critical of society and human nature and pessimistic. 


Most of the wording is done in plain neutral tones. Not being too informal, but not having too many whimsical or flowery words or prose strewn about the novel.


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn takes place in the Mississipi Vally during the early nineteenth century. As the protagonist, Huckleberry Finn is introduced. The novel begins with the end of another novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Huckleberry and Tom find money hidden in a cave and they each recieve six thousand dollars. Miss Watson and the Widow Douglas took Huckleberry in and tried to civilize him. Although Huckleberry did not want to, he agreed to stay with the widow and Miss Douglas so he can be part of Tom's band of robbers. The antagonist is Pap, who is Huckleberry's father. Although he was presumed to be dead, Huckleberry knew he was coming soon and he decided to give all his money to Judge Thatcher to prevent his father from taking it all. Even though he is young, Huckleberry has a conflict with society because his view on things step out of society's expectations and standards. Also, Huckleberry has a conflict with his father because he is an abusive parent, he drinks a lot, and he is neglectful.

Inciting moment

Pap surprises Huckleberry in his room.   

Rising Action:

Pap, Huckleberry’s father, begins to beat Huck shortly after gaining custody of him. The beatings continue until one day when Huck, wanting to be free from his confinement and fearing that the punishments will only worsen, fakes his own death by smearing pig’s blood all over the cabin. After his dramatic faux death, Huckleberry flees to Jackson’s island in the middle of the Mississippi river, watching the townspeople search for his body for a while. On the island Huck encounters Mrs. Watson’s slave, Jim, who has just run away from Mrs. Watson after learning of her intents to send him to a plantation down the river where he would be mistreated and separated from his wife and children. The two make camp on the island until a storm floods the Mississippi river and the two are forced to take refuge in a house and raft they find floating past the island. Inside they discover a dead man that has been shot, though Jim stops Huck from looking at it too closely. Huck and Jim take what they can from the house. The two remain on the island until Huck hears a woman speak about her husband seeing smoke coming from the island, and his suspicions about Jim actually hiding out there. Then they decide to take flight with the raft in an attempt to flee up the river to the northern free states where slavery is not allowed. On the journey there they encounter a group of robbers and thieves, but manage to escape with the criminal’s loot. As they continue up the river Huck and Jim meet a group of men looking for escapee slaves, after a brief moral dilemma involving Huck harboring guilt over harboring stolen property, the stolen property being Jim in this case, Huck lies to the group of men telling them that Jim is merely his father suffering from a case of smallpox. Fearing the disease the group of slavers run off after handing Huck some money. At this point Jim and Huck are unable to backtrack and are forced to traverse further down the river until a steamboat crashes into the duos raft and they become separated. Huck eventually ends up in the home of the Grangerfords, a southern aristocratic family feuding with a fellow southern clank known as the Sheperdsons. In the midst of a fierce fight Jim appears with the repaired raft and the two make haste down the river once more. Soon thereafter the two pick up a pair of men who claim themselves to be an English duke and the heir to the French throne. The two obvious con artists the duke and dauphine pull off various cons in small villages along the river as they travel with Jim and Huck. The duke and dauphin are foiled in a scam only when the real brothers of the dead man whose nieces the conmen were trying to scam appear and put an end to the pair’s attempts at trying to steal their brother’s will and fortune. Unfortunately for Huckleberry and Jim, the two cons manage to get back to the raft in a rush of confusion as the runaways push off and they avoid punishment.


The duke and dauphin sell Jim to a local farmer and claim that he is a runaway slave. Huckleberry Finn gets directions to where the farmer lives in hopes of rescuing Jim and freeing him at last. The family that lives on the farm are relatives of Tom Sawyer's and are actually waiting for Tom himself to arrive at the farm the exact day that Huck shows up. When the Mrs. Phelps sees Huck, she takes him to be Tom and Huck just goes along with it and acts as though he is Tom. Later, Huck figures that Tom will be arriving soon and so tries to meet Tom in town before he can get to the farm. As Huck makes his way towards the boat that Tom will be arriving on, Tom has already made his way to the farm and so they meet up and Tom is very curious of Huck who he assumes is a ghost. Then, Huck explains the confusion and half of what he's been through and they decide to go along with the story and make their way back to the house.

Falling Action: 

Tom agrees to assist Huck with freeing Jim the 'runaway slave' and comes up with many plans to do so. Tom believes that the bast way to go about doing it is to do so in the most adventurous ways possible. Any task planned must be difficult and exciting according to him. Huck goes along with whatever Tom says to do, although he may not understand Tom's motives, and they get past the gaurd of the shack-like building that Jim is captured in to be able to communicate with Jim. Finally, after all of the trouble that Tom and Huck have put Tom's Aunt and Uncle through, they manage to run from the men that think they're chasing after criminals when it is really Tom and Huck who stole Jim. The three of them make it all the way to Huck's raft except Tom is shot in the leg and needs a doctor, so Huck goes back to shore and sets out for one only to run in to his 'uncle'. The uncle insists that he come home immediately and insures his wife that 'Sid' will be home in the morning. Of course, a few days later, Tom and Jim do arrive and in rough condition. Tom is not well for several days and finally wakes up only to reveal to his Aunt the truth as he tells all. Afterwards, his Aunt is astonished and Tom also discovers that Jim did not become free and is still being held captive in the same shack. Tom reaveals that Jim was actually set free by his previous owner and that his aliby is that he only wanted adventure to come of setting Jim free for the most part. In the end, Jim becomes a true free man and the three hope to take on more adventures. Most exciting, Jim reveals that Huck's father was the dead man in the house that they had previously robbed and that now he will inherrit the 6,000 plus dollars.

  Pride and Prejudice



          The story begins with the introduction of the Bennet family. Mrs. Bennet heard of the arrival of the wealthy single man Mr. Bingley and she was interested in having one of her five daughters marry him. To get her way, Mrs. Bennet urged her husband to meet with him with the hope that Mr. Bingley will return the visit. Mr. Bennet did visit him and the visit was returned although the daughters did not get to meet him. They finally meet at a ball, where the oldest daughter Jane is asked to dance with Mr. Bingley twice. During the ball, Jane’s sister Elizabeth was insulted by Mr. Bingley friend Mr. Darcy and thus Mr. Darcy received a reputation as unagreeable.

Inciting moment

          Because Jane was liked by Mr. Bingley’s sisters, she was invited to dinner. Following her mother’s directions Jane left on horse so hopefully she would have to stay the night.  


Rising Action

        The rising action begins when Jane becomes ill and stays at the Bingley’s house to get well. Jane’s sister Elizabeth decides that she wants to tend to and be with her sister while she is sick, so she treks over to the Bingley’s house. When she arrives, she is filthy and Miss Bingley looks at her with disgust. Miss Bingley despises Elizabeth even more when she sees the emotion that Darcy has toward her, for Miss Bingley had a crush on Darcy. When the sisters go back home, they have a guest in their house by the name of Mr. Collins. This man intends to inherit Mr. Bennet’s property since it can only be given to male heirs. Mr. Collins proposes to Elizabeth, but she denies him.

Moreover, the Bennet girls, who long to marry, are becoming boy-crazy over the militia men. A man named Wickham is one of them and tells Elizabeth how Darcy had cheated him out of inheritance. With winter’s approach, word is heard that Mr. Collins is soon to marry Elizabeth’s good friend Charlotte. Charlotte explains to Elizabeth that she is marrying especially for financial reasons. Meanwhile, Jane tries to visit Bingley, but encounters his rude sister Miss Bingley instead.

 In the spring, Darcy first proposes to Elizabeth. Elizabeth is appalled and basically tells Darcy that he is a self-centered fool for getting involved with her sister’s relationship with Bingley and disagreeing with Wickham. Later, Darcy writes a letter to Elizabeth explaining that Wickham was involved in a relationship with his sister that he didn’t approve of, and Bingley was simply a liar and didn’t seem to be enough in love with Jane to be with her. When Elizabeth receives the letter, she is reanalyzes her relationship with Darcy and what kind of person Darcy truly is. Meanwhile, the militia leaves town and the Bennet sisters are very upset. Then, Elizabeth travels with her family members, the Gardiners, which brings her close to Darcy’s house in Pemberley. She goes to Darcy’s house, with knowledge of him not being there, visits around his grounds, and discovers from Darcy’s servants that Darcy is a fine individual. Darcy arrives later and socializes with Elizabeth and the Gardiners.

            A letter soon arrives stating that Lydia and Wickham have run away together and cannot be found. Mr. Bennet and Mr. Gardiner both search for the couple, but they seem to have no luck. Finally, Mr. Gardiner announces that they have been found and that Lydia and Wickham are to be married so long as Wickham receives an annual income. Although the Bennets believe that Gardiner has given Wickham his money, Elizabeth finds that it is thanks to Darcy that the money was given. Thereafter, Bingley proposes to Jane and they are wed. Futhermore, Lady Catherine tries to warn Elizabeth that Darcy intends on proposing to her, and insists that she deny him. Of course, Elizabeth ensures her that she can make no promises and will only do what her heart tells her. 



The climax of Pride and prejudice is when Elizabeth accepts Darcy’s proposal to her. She finally realizes that Darcy is worth marrying.


Falling action/Denouement

            To everyone’s surprise, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy got engaged. Mr. Bennet was pleased to know it was not his brother-in-law who paid the dowry for Lydia. Mrs. Bennet was excited that Jane and Elizabeth were both getting married. Jane and Elizabeth got married on the same day and Mr. Bingley and Jane were going to move closer to Mr. Darcy’s estate. The relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy’s sister grows. As for Lydia, even though she was disowned, she and her husband are always asking for money. The newlyweds lead happy lives.   



Wuthering Heights starts with Lockwood becoming a tenant in Thrushcross Grange. When he visits his landlord Heathcliff, he notices how strange the manor is.  He is left in a room with snarling dogs, when Heathcliff returns he is mad but agrees to come back and visit the next day. One day he desides to read by the fire but the servant was cleaning it out so he decides to go to Wuthering Heights instead. There he encounters Heathcliff's duaghter-in-law, widow of Heathcliff's son, who is very rude. The snow that had started to fall earlier had now become a blizard and Lockwood needed a guide back to Thrushcross Grange. Everyone refused to help him so they gave him a lantern and he was on his way. Joseph, an elderly servent at Wuthering Heights, sees him with the lantern and assumes he is steeling it and lets the dogs go on him.  Pinned down and angry he gets a nose bleed and is forced to stay at Wuthering Heights. Zillah, the housekeeper, leads Lockwood to an out-of-the-way room that has three names scratched repeatedly into the paint on the ledge by the bed;Catherine Earnshaw, Catherine Linton, and Catherine Heathcliff. He also finds a diary written about twenty-five years earlier which belonged to Catherine Earnshaw. He begins reading the diary and falls asleep, later that night he wakes from a pair of nightmares to a branch tapping on the window. Still half asleep he forces his hand through the window in attempts to break the branch. But instead of a branch a ghostly hand grabs his own, and sobbs the name Catherine Linton. To free himself, Lockwood rubs the ghost's wrist on the broken glass until blood covers the bed sheets. The ghost releases him, and Lockwood screams. Heathcliff rushes into the room, and Lockwood cries out that the room is haunted. Heathcliff cries out to Catherine, begging her to return. In the morning, Heathcliff escorts Lockwood home.


Inciting Monment

Lockwood's housekeeper Nelly eplains the history behind Heathcliff and Lockwood records all of this in his diary.


Rising Actions

         From Nelly's story, Heathcliff was adopted by Mr. Earnshaw but Mr. Earnshaw's real children, a boy named Hindley and his younger sister Catherine, hate Heathcliff. Not long after, his adoptive sister Catherine grows to like him and they become inseparable. After his wife's death, Mr. Earnshaw grows to prefer Heathcliff to his own son, he sends Hindley away to college, keeping Heathcliff nearby. When Heathcliff's adoptive father dies, his adoptive brother Hindley inherits Wuthering Heights so he goes back to Wuthering Heights with his wife Frances.  Seeking revenge on Heathcliff he forces him to become a common laborer working in the fields. Regardless of his new status  Heathcliff and Catherine continued to have a very close relationship. One day they decide to go tease the Linton kids but Catherine gets bit by a dog and has to stay with the Linton for five weeks. In this time, Mrs. Linton works on making Catherine a proper young lady and Catherine also becomes infatuated with Edgar, Mrs.Linton's son. Frances dies leaving Hindley with a son named Hareton. Hindley falls into alcohlism after his wife's death. Soon after Catherine and Edgar get engaged despite her love for Heathcliff. Heathcliff runs away not being able to stand the fact that he had lost Catherine.

       When he returns three years later, he is wealthy and he wants revenge. Heathcliff takes advantage of this and Hindley's addiction to gambling in order to inherit Wuthering Heights. Hindley dies, Heathcliff makes Hindley's son Hareton become a servant and he inherits Wuthering Heights he also wants to inherit the Thrushcross Grange by marrying Isabella who is Edgar's sister. He treats her cruelly and she goes to London where she gives birth to Linton and she dies when Linton is twelve. After Catherine gives birth to her daughter Catherine she dies.   


Heathcliff wants Catherine to marry Linton so he holds Nelly and Catherine captive until Catherine marries Linton.


Falling Actions/Denouement

 Edgar dies soon after the marriage and Linton follows. Now in control of both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange Heathcliff makes Catherine live at Wuthering Heights and act as a servent while he rents Thrushcross Grange to Lockwood. After hearing the story, Lockwood decides to leave the strange place after winter. Nelly reunites with her mistress Catherine. Heathcliff dies and is buried next to late Catherine. Catherine marries Hareton and decide to move into the Thrushcross Grange. Lockwood goes and visits the graves of Heathcliff and Catherine.

                                           The Jungle

                                    By: Upton Sinclair



The Jungle begins with a large Lithuanian family gathering where Jurgis Rudkos and his bride Ona are enjoying their wedding feast. Luthuanian wedding traditions dictate that the couple must invite all of those that pass on the street to the celebration and offer them food and drink. However when the traditional guest donations are gathered up after the party it is discovered that the money received not only wasn’t enough to pay for the feast, but it also wasn’t enough to allow the couple to start a life together as was the donations' original intent.



Inciting moment:


Jurgis and his family take a tour of the slaughtering facilities in packing town and they marvel at the intricacies and efficiency of all of the killing and machines.



Rising action:


When Ona’s boss, Phil Connor, sexually assaults her Jurgis goes into a deep primal rage. Jurgis leaves the house bent on taking revenge for his wife, despite her, and all other family members’, protests. When he arrives at the factory where Connor is still working he beats him within an inch of his life. Eventually men rush to Connor’s aid and tear Jurgis from the man’s bloody throat. Afterwards Jurgis is thrown into prison and is forced to wait without trail because he can not afford to pay the court fees. While in prison Jurgis laments on the fact that he is missing Christmas with his family while his wife is ill. After he gets sentenced Jurgis spends more time in prison, knowing that for every minute that he wastes he is not helping his family feed or clothe themselves. After Jurgis serves his sentence he comes home to his wife giving birth, wishing to help her in some way Jurgis gathers one dollar and twenty-five cents and goes off to find a wet-nurse. He eventually obtains one, but in the end it amounts to nothing. Ona and the baby die in childbirth. Jurgis, upon witnessing these events, turns to drinking as a means of escapism.




After the death of his first son, Jurgis, out of desperation, decides to flee on a train and ends up on the country side. He spends some time there and he could easily find jobs but he refuses to take them so he becomes a tramp.


Falling Action/Denouement:


Jurgis eventually returns to the city and becomes part of a corrupt political group. Then after getting himself in jail for attacking Conner again. He eventually steps into a socialist meeting and from there he becomes a socialist.    



Dreams, especially the “American Dream”, can be assumed to be the greatest escapes and the best ideas to look towards, but when reality comes to play, dreams aren’t always as wondrous as they may seem.



Man v.s. Self- Jurgis struggles to maintain happiness

Man v.s. Society- Jurgis stuggles to keep his job and faces the judgements of society.

Man v.s. Man- Jurgis's fight with Phil Connor

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